Saturday, November 13, 2010


These past few weeks have flown by to say the least. My life has changed dramatically but I am feeling as though it has always been this way. It is amazing how Aviana has added so much love and excitement to our very regular and peaceful lives. She brings so much love, laughter and of course the dreaded worry that comes with having a baby to care for. The worry is so worth the reward of seeing her grow, smile and love being in our arms. She is such a blessing and I can't imagine my life without her. The best part of being a Mom is knowing that my everyday actions affect her little life and will determine her happiness. Jerry and I love being her parents and are so thrilled with how she has developed over the last few weeks. She has started to smile at our faces (mostly her daddy's face), she can almost hold her head up all on her own and just in the past few days she found her hands. She loves to have her diaper changed and it even sparks a little giggle from her. It is such a joy to watch her explore her environment and take in every inch of what she sees. I find myself just staring at her while she sleeps and get sad that she is growing so fast and wish that she could stay little forever. I know this is impossible and I do look forward to her upcoming developments. She is a strong little one and I know seeing her grow each day will fill my heart with more joy than I could ever imagine, for this I am extremely grateful!

The Holidays are fast approaching and we are looking forward to celebrating with Aviana! So many "firsts" to look forward to. I will be sure to post more pics as the weeks go on. :)