Tuesday, July 13, 2010

28 weeks

only 12 weeks to go...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Baby stuff

I thought I would do a quick post of a few things we have purchased for the little lady's room! A while ago I ordered her crib bedding from Amazon. We initially were going to do pink, green and ivory for the nursery colors but after searching for the perfect bedding to go with this theme, the more I didn't like the colors. I LOVE the color green but was a little overwhelmed by having so much pink in her room. I am not a huge pink fan, never have been and I'm sure never will be! So....after looking through a catalog and seeing this bedding set I fell in love with, I decided to go way "out of the box" and get it. When I say "out of the box" I mean, not your typical girly colors! Nonetheless, I ordered it and hope I still love it once the crib arrives. Here is a pic...(I only got the crib bedding, bumper, dust ruffle and quilt, I may order more stuff once all put together)

I will wait to post about the crib furniture since it will be here at the end of this month (fingers crossed)! It is SO cute and I can hardly wait to see it. :)

Now for the rocker...

We initially fell in love with a Pottery Barn rocker but after doing the pricing it was WAY too expensive! So I researched online and found one for a much better price. It should be here tomorrow and I am excited to have Jerry put it together this weekend so I can try it out! We ordered the slipcover in beige, but if we don't like it I will take it back and get the chocolate one.